Monday, December 1, 2014

Hosanna is Home!

Hosanna here - I am finally back home after being gone for around seven months! For those of you who may not remember, I've been interning/volunteering at the Bible Bee Headquarters. After being in the Bible Bee for three years it was fun to see and be able to help with the behind the scenes work. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. While I was working there, I ended up running the Bible Bee E-Store for a while - including onsite at the National Bible Bee. In the above picture, I am at Nationals sitting with J.B. (She helped me a lot there.) in front of the Bible Bee onsite E-Store Booth.

This year the National Bible Bee was in FL! What you can see in this picture is the view from one of the hotel's ground level doors. It was very warm there during Nationals and a couple of the days I would even say that it was hot. It was fun getting to see all the palm trees - they are a bit of a novelty to me. :)

On the way back to OH from Nationals, I got to ride on a charter bus with a lot of the other volunteers and even a Bible Bee contestant family. Everyone was tired after Nationals so I think most people ended up taking a nap on the bus at some point. We were able to move around on the bus some, so we were able to visit with different people on the bus and even play a few games. I think the trip was around 20 hours.

The church I attended while in OH (Sligo Baptist Church) had a goodbye party for me. They were so sweet and made me feel right at home there. If any of you end up in that area on a Sunday or Wednesday, I would recommend that you stop by and visit them.

Back at home, Isaac caught four different animals today while out trapping.  Anyone want to guess what they are from left to right?

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